Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Latino or Hispanic?

Have you ever wondered why some people use the term "Hispanics" and others use "Latinos" when they refer to Spanish speaking people? 

What is the difference between the two terms?

Well, this is what it is... 
"Hispanic" refers to region, not race. This term should be use to refer to people whose origins are Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American. Back in the day, areas conquered by the Spaniards were considered part of a region called Hispaniola, which is where the term came from.

"Latino" refers more to a cultural aspect of a person. You can be considered a Latino even if you were born in the U.S. As long as your parents or grandparents are from Latin American origin and you have been taught about the Latin American culture.
Being a Latino doesn't necessarily means being a Spanish speaking person. However, most people will consider you a true Latino if you speak Spanish or Portuguese. (Brazilians speak Portuguese).

Here’s a great video that talks about the difference of the two terms and also shows how people normally use the terms.

Some things to consider when using either of these terms or Spanish-speaking people:

1. Don’t assume that all Hispanics or Latinos speak Spanish. Brazilians speak Portuguese.  

2. Don’t call every Spanish-speaking person Mexican. Even though Mexicans are the biggest Hispanic group in the U.S. generally Hispanics that live in the U.S. prefer to be called by their nationality. Venezuelan, Puerto Rican, Colombian, Peruvian etc.

3. Don’t assume that if a person has the “looks” of a Latino, they are Latinos or vice versa.

4. When referring to both men and Women use “Latinos”. When referring to only women use “Latina”.

5. Do not call Hispanics or Latinos “Spanish”. Spanish is a language, not a race or ethnicity; unless you are refering to a person from Spain. (Spanish is their nationality).


Images from Google images

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Yes! I am Latina!

Well, I want to start up this Latino World blog adventure with the basics. First, I think is important for you to know who I am and why I’ve decided to start this blog.

My name is Andrea Castellanos; I was born in San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America. I’m twenty-two years old and a junior in college. I moved to the United States two and half years ago. So, I can say I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to experience two cultures very closely. So far, so good! I'm really liking it!

I’m really excited about this blog because I am 100% LATINA! Actually, I am half Salvadorian and half Colombian. My father is Salvadorian and my mother is Colombian. I love sharing about my culture and learning about other cultures too. 

Now that I’m attending college in the U.S. I’ve had the chance to share with many about my customs. Therefore, I will be posting great information and facts about Latin-Americans and our interesting cultural traditions.

So…. Latin America!! The world of Spanish speaking people and good food and great music and cool traditions and interesting history and... more!

There are twenty countries:
Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Mexico, El Salvador, Panama, Nicaragua, Guatemala,
Honduras, Cuba & Brazil.

FYI: people in Brazil speak Portuguese!

These are all great countries full of unique cultural traditions that distinguish them from each other! I’m excited to share about it!

Here is a fact that all these countries have in common:

Latin-American families are traditionally a close-knit group. When we use the term “familia” we are not only referring to parents and children. We are also referring to our extended family; uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, etc. Which means that when we invite our “familia” to a party, we invite everyone! Families often get together to celebrate holidays, birthdays, baptisms, first communions, graduations, weddings and “just to hangout” parties to catch up with the family and create some memories.
The more the better!!! We love hanging out with the whole family! It’s more fun!

That’s Latin America 101 and a fact!

Here is a video where you can see some awesome pictures of LatinAmerican countries! Enjoy!


Images from Google images