Saturday, November 24, 2012

Culture and Language Influence

For fact Latinos are becoming a great part of the United States population and very predominant in  the American society. The Latino population has had an impact not only on the demography of the U.S. population, but also on other aspects of U.S. society. Since the beginning of the immigration waves in the 20's until now, Latin-Americans have shown to have influenced the American culture.

Have you noticed that there is more Hispanic food restaurants? A hispanic food isle in super markets? More Americans learning Spanish? 

How are Latin-americans and Hispanics influencing the American culture?

There are a few different things that come to my mind: Language, business and lifestyle.

For the longest time America has claimed that English is their language and even though it is a great language and a world-wide spiked language, is not the only one that is spoke in the United States anymore. Spanish has become almost a second language, due to the amount of Spanish-speaking population living in the U.S.

Latin-Americans have influenced the business aspect of the U.S. because as the Hispanic population grows each year, so do the Latin-american type businesses. The business community will eventually rely on Latinos as business owners, employees, investors, and consumers. The fact that they are bilingual and bicultural also makes Latinos a valuable resource as the U.S. business community expands its consumer markets and business operations into Latin America. 

Why do I think that Latinos are influencing the lifestyle of Americans?
Now the American population find themselves talking to, sharing the bus with, selling products to and working with Latin-americans on their daily bases, which influences the way Americans live because they have to relate to them and understand their culture. 
Latinos came to the U.S. and they brought their culture with them, this can be seen, for example, in the increasing popularity of Latin American food and music and in the prevalence of Spanish-language, advertisements, and media.  

Here are some interesting facts about Latinos in the U.S. and their contribution to the American economy.

In addition to opening new businesses and creating new jobs, Latinos are also spending big bucks. Latinos contributed more than $1 trillion to the U.S. economy in 2010. 

Latinos own nearly one in every 10 businesses across the U.S. Latino-owned businesses grew 47 percent to 2.3 million in comparison to the non-Latino increase of 14.5 percent between 2002 and 2007. They generated over $400 billion dollars in 2007.

All images from Google Images 

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