Friday, November 23, 2012

Nice to meet you!

Mannerism in the Latin culture

Have you ever seen Latin American friends greeting each other with a kiss or a hug?
Did you think that was a little different than what you normally do when greeting a friend? Maybe you have been to a Latin American country and you did not know how to greet people. I’ll explain how this whole kissing, hugging greetings work. When is ok to do it, with who and where!

Hispanics like to be polite and a firm handshake is a common practice between them, as well as, a light kiss on the cheek and a hug are also common forms of greeting family members and friends. When Hispanics are greeting someone informally they are very fast and they use body language to convey their points.

Relatives and Friends
In general, friends and relatives greet each other in Latin America with a kiss or a hug. When a male greets a female or a female greets another female here is what happens. They put their cheeks together, and make a light kissing sound. Their lips don't ever touch, just their checks. This entire ritual will only take one or maybe 2 seconds. When a male greets another male, who is his relative or friend, it is customary for them just to approach each other and give each other a light hug.

Casual Parties
When you are invited to someone's home you should expect to be treated as a friend or relative. Be prepared for a kiss or a hug! If you are unsure at all on what to do when you are in someone's home, the best thing to do is just follow the lead of your host. In some countries and regions you may also be kissed twice once on one cheek and once on the other cheek. If you are prepared to follow the lead of your host, you'll do just fine! Just so you know, these are hugs and kisses that they have absolutely no romantic meaning in the Latin American culture.

In most business situations and greetings, you can generally plan on shaking hands, unless they have known each other for a long time or is relative. 

Now you know what to expect and what to do if you visit a Latin American country! Shaking hands, hugging and kissing is allowed!

All images from Google images

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