Friday, December 7, 2012

Sweet 15!

In the latin american culture, turning 15 years old is a big deal for a girl! Yes! People say that The Aztecs began celebrating Quinceanera all the way back in 500 B.C. At that time, the ceremony indicated to the community that the 15-year old girl was now suitable for motherhood.

The meaning of Quinceanera today is very different. Now celebrating when you turn 15 commemorates a girl becoming a lady. These big parties and celebrations are more popular in Latin America than the U.S.

I'm sure you have heard of it, but didn't know why it is such a big deal! I'm going to explain how this parties are planned!
There is three types of celebrations that I can think of when I think of a girl turning 15 years old.
A big traditional quinceañera party with the puffy dress and the "chambelanes", a modern party, still formal and big but with no "chambelanes" and lastly, a girl that doesn't want a big party, she wants to travel instead or get a large amount of money and spend it in clothe or something like that.

What would a traditonal quinceañera party have? These are a must:

Traditional Quinceañera party

1. Puffy dress. Usually girls wear a pink dress, but now, you also see girls wear baby blue, white, light green or lilac. 

2.Chambelanes. This are the best guy friends of the birthday girl. The guys dress up in a suite and do a special dance in the party with the best girl friends of the birthday girl. (kinda like bridesmaids and groomsmen). 

3.Father-daughter dance. This has become a tradition in the quinceañeras. They will usually dance a slow song in celebration of her becoming a lady. 

4.Big cake. A big cake is essential for the party!

5.Big meal. The traditional quinceañera party will have a big meal for the guest. The main plate usually will have chicken or beef, salad, rice, bread.

6.A toast. The toast is usually maid by the father or the mother of the birthday girl.

7.Music to dance. The quinceañera party that doesn't have a dance party, is not a real quinceañera!

Those are the main things that a traditional quinceañera has!

Wondering how what type of celebration mine was? Mine was a modern party with a not puffy dress, dance party, and great food!

Here is an interesting video I found about "How to plan a quinceañera" Enjoy! 

All images from Google Images