Friday, December 7, 2012

Weather forecast

This past monday on my way to work I realized how much I miss the weather of my country (El Salvador). It was about 50 degrees and foggy in Point Lookout, Missouri! My car wind child was covered with ice and it took me a while to get warm. Cold, ice and fog is something me and the citizens from El Salvador aren’t use to, because our weather is great year round! However, there is other countries in Latin America that do have cold winters and super-hot summers.
Let's talk about weather!
Central America
Central America has a tropical humid climate. It has no real winter; even the coldest month averages above 64 °F, with summers of 80 to 82 °. The average annual temperature range is lower than the usual daily range, a characteristic that is different from most of North America. Rainfall at 1,100 to 2,000 mm is high and regular.

Due to the nice weather conditions year round, people wear mostly the same type of clothe as well. Jeans, nice shirts, sandals, or tennis shoes are very common. 

Visit this website to find out how the weather is for each country in Central America:

South America
South America's climate mainly wet and hot. However the large size of the continent makes the climate of South America varied with each region having its own characteristic weather conditions, geographical location, ocean currents and winds. 
Most of South America receives a lot of rain. Quibdo, Colombia, is the rainiest place in South America, receives more than 890 centimeters of rain a year. All the regions of the continent generally have a dry season.
The highest temperatures of South America have been recorded in Gran Chaco in Argentina, with temperatures going up to 110 degrees F.


Here's a website that will tell you more about the climate in each country of Central and South America:
All images from Google Images

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